Change Email Address

You can use this page to change your account details. The page should look like the picture below if it is displaying properly in your browser. At the moment, this page is only relevant for local users and the only thing your can change is your email address. OpenID users must change their details on their OpenID server.

Screenshot of 'Change Password' page

Possible problems

When you update your email address, your new address needs to fit the following rules:

  • It can’t be blank
  • It must be between 3 and 100 characters long

If you enter a new email address that does not fit these rules, then your user record will not be updated. Instead, you will be taken back to the ‘Change Password’ page and shown an error message so you can fix the problems and re-submit. The image below shows what you might see.

Failed update of user record.

If you get this error, then just enter an email address that is at least 3 characters and at most 100 characters long. Then click the ‘Update’ button to save your record.


The address for the ‘Change Password’ page is[id];edit, where [id] is your stiki id. Kf you are logged in with a local user account, you can click the “My account” link from the top of any stikis page, then click the “[change]” link next to your email address.

From the ‘Change Password’ page, there are the standard stikis navigation links at the top and bottom of the page. See the navigation links help topic for more information.

To change your password, go back to your user page by clicking the ‘My Account’ link at the top of any stikis page and click the “Change password” link. See also the Change Password help page.